
Saturday, November 9, 2013

StarHub's Nonsensical Know-You-Better Trickery

Don't you just hate to be lured into updating your profile on promise of a free premium that interest you, only to find nonsense at the end of all that trouble?

We were invited by StarHub to update profile on the Know You Better page.

It was clearly stated that we have a choice of either movie or song download.

However, at the redemption page, only one tab appear.

Its Video-on-demand movie premium has been switched to free song download!

There is a big world of difference between watching a movie and listening to songs.  A movie lover may not be a fan of song downloads.

We wrote in to complain but StarHub says nothing can be done.  Take the free song downloads or nothing at all.  We wouldn't even have wasted out time if they had mentioned that the movie download has been taken off. 

We know StarHub wishes to promote its Music Portal aggressively, but it is unethical of them to lure customers in this way.  What trickery to use one freebie as a carrot, then divert them to another they want to promote.

If it is not deliberate, then why deny us the initially promised freebie?  What is one $5 movie-on-demand download to StarHub anyway?  Yet they choose to antagonize long-time customers.

If they deny that this is deliberate, then at best, they confirm their inefficiency.

In the end, we asked around our friends to see who wishes to have this music freebie.  But all of them say they have better sources for music downloads.  The StarHub one looks quite involved in terms of learning curve or at least more effort than a movie download off the TV.  None of us want to spend that time getting familiar with it.

The irony is now we "Know-StarHub-Better".  We know their service standards has gone to the dogs.

Woof, Woof.  Howl.