
Friday, May 1, 2020

M1 SunPerks Rewards Not Rewarding Enough

SunPerks is M1's reward programme for M1 mobile (including Corporate Individual), broadband and M1 IDD residential fixed line customers.

M1 boldly advertises — "With every $1 spent on M1 bills, you will earn 1 SunPerks point".

M1 goes on to say — "You may use the points to redeem rewards. Every point is a reward!"

However, "you will earn" does not necessarily translates to "you will get to redeem".

For example, after 2 years of contract, this is what a 500-GB Fibre-plan subscriber would get:-

$29* per month x 24 months = TOTAL $696 = TOTAL 696 SunPerks rewards points.
*2020 price has since increase to $29.90.

Here's the Catch: M1's minimum points for redemption is 900 points, that is to redeem a $5 off Fibre Broadband Bill Plan Subscription per month for 2 months.

After two whole years, for those on lower value plans, there is nothing to redeem.

M1 should be more transparent about this, right at the beginning on a contract, or re-contract.

Feedbacks for M1 to halve it to 450 points, in order to allow customers to redeem a $5 off Fibre Broadband Bill Plan Subscription per month for 1 month (instead of 2 months), has so far fallen on deaf years.

For some of us, after two years of anticipation, the SunPerks just acts as a tease.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Circles Life Bill Waiver Benefits

Almost sign up for a cheaper mobile plans, as our Circles.Life's porting benefits of $10 subsidy per month for a year has ceased.

Now, instead of $18 for 20-GB, we have to pay $28 per user.

In the process of checking how to exit from Circles.Life, we realized that they have automatically applied a $10 Bill Waiver benefit from 28/04/2020 to 01/04/2021.

How proactive!

The benefit should be extended even after the COVID situation has stabilized, if competitive choices are still flooding the market.  Otherwise it makes more sense for the consumer to head for better deals elsewhere.