
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hong Kong Disneyland Hotels un-mystified

For our first trip to Hong Kong Disneyland, we wanted very much to stay in one of the Disneyland hotels there, and so thought it's a great idea to google everything on it.

Surprisingly, instead of whetting our appetite, the pre-trip over-reading actually has the reverse effect of killing our enthusiasm.

So many bloggers have been writing on it that the Disneyland hotels has become un-mystified.  Sometimes, the reason for visiting a place we haven't visited before, is for the sense of adventure.  In the case of Disneyland Hong Kong, every bit of it is so well covered by bloggers, that we almost know what to expect at every turn.  The mystery and excitement of finding out for ourselves is gone.  The place suffers from over-exposure and even before stepping in, we have the been-there-done-that feeling.

If you are the sort who likes to have a sense of wonder first-hand, read those blogs which offers tips rather than those diary-style ones which gives you a blow-by-blow account of their experiences. Disneyland is blogged on in a much more detailed manner than other destinations, with accompanying photo visuals, and as you go through these picture diaries, before you know it, it all begins to feel overly familiar.

Still, we feel that the Kingdom Club may add to our visit to Disneyland, and proceeded to view the options available at the Disneyland website.  There were already quite a lot of blocked-out dates, where bookings would not be possible.

It didn't help that when we were trying to place reservations, we were attended to by a rep who couldn't seem to be clear-cut about the rates that is applicable.  They have many different levels of packages and passes, so if the various computation are not clearly explained or accurately computed, the to-and-fro emailing can be such a hassle, one simply chooses the path of least resistance and either give in to sucker rates or give up.  In our case, we simply couldn't get proper communication, with the rep repeatedly cutting-and-pasting different parts from the Disneyland Hong Kong website, when those are the exact same portions we wanted clarification on. 

With time running out, we decided to skip the hotel-stay and just visit the Disneyland Park itself.  Even here, the service falls far short.  Some areas already looks quite run-down.

We like Hong Kong but all we can say is, Disneyland Hong Kong needs improvements and regeneration in so many areas. 

Perhaps, they should consider Singapore as a venue once again.

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