
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fear is the Root of Your Problems

Leo Babauta, creator and writer of Zen Habits, advocates self-compassion, to work on the fear that's causing our problems.  He provides good tips on the practice and process of awareness, acceptance, seeing the pain, finding gratitude, and being in the moment without an ideal.

Here's a few examples of how fear manifest in your daily life -

Fear of failure
Discomfort of doing something hard
Fear of missing out something important

Fear of letting go of comforts
Fear of other's judgment

Relationship problems
Fear of losing control
Fear of not being good enough
Fear of rejection
Fear of letting go

Can't exercise
Fear of discomfort
Fear of disrupting more favored routines like TV and Internet viewing

Can't change diet
Fear of being denied enjoyment of 'comfort' food
Fear of not keeping up with the changed diet

Fulfilling ambition
Fear of failing
Fear of taking the plunge
Fear of not being ready
Fear of not being good enough

Work Stress
Fear of not being perfect (too perfectionist)
Fear of errors and mistakes

Sometimes, when it gets too much, we become paralysed by fear and end up not doing anything.

We have encountered this before, and find that at times, it becomes necessary to reduce clutter, and  basically, to attack big blocks of backlogs, work loads or even emotional burdens by breaking it into smaller tasks or pieces.

We are even prepared to downsize our lifestyle if it gets too intense.

Peace and simplicity rules!

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