
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Lost Credit Card Statements and others

Have just realize a number of bank/credit card statements never reach us by post.  The period of concern spans over the past year.

Which means that there may be other material that gets lost in transit as well. 

One statement never arrived.
ANZ says they charge $5 admin fee for reprinting.
But why should customers get penalized for statements that never came through the post? 
It is good that the CS agree to waive.
ANZ don't have online banking for credit card customers, unlike other banks.
When they do announce this facility, we will sign up for it.

We used to suffer missing statements as well until we opt for e-statements.  They wouldn't allow paper statements once the e-statement option is set up. 

Thankfully, Citibank took away the random-cycle log-in number pad, which drove many crazy.  At least they listen to feedback though it took well over a year.  Otherwise, we would likely still stick to paper statement.

The other feedback they wouldn't take are complaints about the statement layout, and the faint and tiny fonts that strains the eye.  Both e-statement and paper-statement sucks equally, btw.

We hate the look of the statement and only use the card if good promos are on.

One statement never arrived.
We tried to retrieve online but realize they only offer e-statements for those who opt for it.
The digital quality of their e-statement is not clear enough the last time we download, so we had gone back to paper statements.
Their e-statements goes back only 3 months, too short for busy customers.

Bank draft went missing. 
OCBC says they have posted a month ago, after funds was deducted.
To reissue, we need to print and sign an indemnity form (which has some errors in it).
After handing it to the branch, they took some time to locate the personnel in charge of indemnity forms.  A lot of time lost.

The above are just some cases of mails that never reach us.

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